2151 Gypsum Hollow Rd Fort Dodge, IA 50501 US
How do you know if you have an HHM? Read the label. Look for the words “poison,” “danger,” “warning” or “caution.” Any product which is reactive, corrosive, poisonous, or flammable is categorized as an HM. That would include products such as paints, cleaners, oils, insecticides, and solvents.
Radioactive materials, such as smoke detectors need to be sent back to the original manufacturer.
Ammunitions, contact your local police or sheriffs department for disposal.
Explosives, such as fireworks need to be soaked in water, placed in a plastic bag, and put in the trash.
Medications, leave in prescription bottles. Contact your local Police/Sheriff Departments for take-back programs.
**Some pharmacies have a take-back program, please check with your local pharmacy.
$1 per full gallon of LATEX paint
$6 per Fire Extinguisher
$2 fee for loose SHARPS
We offer partially used items (such as; paint, stains, and more) through our SWAP SHOP to households and businesses. These items are FREE! Inventory will change daily.
Due to staff shortage the recycling center office hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you!